Contact Us

FYI, regardless of location, many of your questions can be answered in our FAQ below… Feel free to review these first, and then contact us if needed! We can't wait to see you in the hot room!

For help getting started in NYC, please email us with your name and inquiry at

For help getting started in Miami, please email us with your name and inquiry at

A member of our team will be in touch within 48 hours.

Need help choosing a class? Check out our schedules for BROOKLYN and MIAMI.


Late Cancellation Policy

You can cancel your class online or from your app up to 12 hours before class to avoid losing the class or being charged a no-show or late-cancellation fee. Please note that we do not accept phone or email cancellations. If you have not cancelled your class and are on an unlimited form of membership, a no-show fee of $30 will be charged to your card on file. Any unlimited member that cancels a class less than 12 hours beforehand will be charged a $15 late-cancellation fee. Any class card or single class passes will be forfeited if you do not cancel prior to 12 hours before the start of class, but you will not be charged any additional fees.

Sorry, but we cannot make individual exceptions."

What’s Needed For Class

  • yoga mat*

  • large towel*

  • drinking water*

  • light, fitted exercise clothing

*We have yoga mats, towels and water available to rent or purchase.

Can I Start Take Classes Right Away?
YES! Check out our schedule. Our studio was built for beginners and experienced yogis alike! FYI- Class sign up opens 7 days prior to each session. A best practice is to plan ahead but not more than 7 days out, so you can make the most of your experience!

How to Make The Most of Your First Visit

Choose a time that’s convenient for you and sign up in advance. If you’re meeting us in person, show up 15 minutes early to meet the teacher. Wear clothes you are comfortable sweating in and bring a mat, towel and water.

Prior to taking class, be sure to drink plenty of water. Proper hydration helps all your bodily systems and makes you feel more comfortable in the heat or wherever you are. 

Our classes are for everyone, really! To quote Bishnu Ghosh, “it’s never too late, you’re never too old, you’re never too sick, to start again from scratch.” Come to class, and with the guidance of your teacher, simply approach every posture to the best of your ability and you will receive 100% benefit.

Don’t think you have to be in shape before taking a class! A regular practice will help you quickly gain strength and flexibility. You will feel challenged during class — everyone does. Always do your best and take breaks if you need to by sitting down. It’s normal, especially as beginners, to feel dizzy, nauseated or lightheaded. These sensations are temporary and will disappear as your body acclimates to working out in the heat. 

During class nobody will judge you. The teacher will guide you with compassion and respect. There’s no need to be self conscious as everyone is focused on themselves.