Traditional Hot Yoga
Traditional Hot Yoga is a therapeutic style of Hatha Yoga from northern India consisting of 26 postures or "asanas" and two breathing exercises. It is a beginner's series taught in 60 or 90 minutes. Each pose is a challenge based on one's personal abilities. The postures are done in the safe environment of a heated room in order to relieve one's body resistance without risking injury.
This yoga series is strength-based. What makes this style unique is that rather than flowing through postures (one breath per motion), you spend time in postures for your body to strengthen and remember them. The postures are cardiovascular and will elevate your heart-rate to burn calories.
The beauty of this yoga is that it can be practiced by anyone--it’s safe for beginners and challenging for veterans. In the same class, you will find teenagers, professional athletes and seniors. As you increase strength, flexibility and balance in your body, you will be energized, you will revitalize your mind, and you will progress towards eliminating conditions of daily stress and fatigue.
All teachers are Bikram-certified with 500+ hours of training.
Benefits of Traditional Hot Yoga:
Benefits Of Bikram Yoga
Burns body fat and elevates metabolism
Reduces stress
Increases flexibility
Builds strength and endurance
Increases muscle tone
Helps with back, neck, shoulder, and knee pain
Improves quality of sleep
Improves posture
Improves circulation
Reduces risk of injury
Raises energy level
Increases balance, coordination, focus and discipline
Improves healthy and balanced functioning of the skeletal, muscular, circulatory, digestive, respiratory, endocrine and nervous systems of the body
Strengthens the immune system
Pranayama Breathing: Oxygenates the muscles, expands the lungs and improves blood circulation.
Utkatasana: Strengthens and tones the legs, arms and abdomen. Helps relieve arthritis in the legs and slipped discs in the lower spine.
Garurasana: Opens the fourteen major joints, eliminates cellulite and varicose veins. Improves balance, focus and concentration. Good for reproductive health.
Dandayamana-Janushirasana: Improves flexibility of sciatic nerves and strengthens the thighs. Helps squeeze and flush out the abdominal organs. Cultivates focus and patience.
Dandayamana-Dhanurasana: Improves balance and flexibility of the lower spine. Builds patience and determination.
Tuladandasana: Sends high speed blood to the heart, cleaning out the veins and arteries. Elevates the core temperature and ignites the cardiovascular system.
Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Paschimotthanasana: Helps cure sciatica, massages the internal abdominal organs and improves flexibility of hamstrings, hips and spine.
Trikanasana: Strengthens the entire body and revitalizes nerves, veins and tissues. Improves lower back pain. Heals the heart and lungs.
Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Janushirasana: Trims the abdomen, waistline, buttocks and thighs. Helps regulate metabolism and immune function.
Tadasana: Improves posture and balance. Increases flexibility of the knees, hips and ankles
Padangustasana: Opens and strengthens the knee and hip joints. Develops mental strength.
Savasana: Facilitates powerful blood flow, creating internal cleansing and magnifying benefits of the postures that precede it. Teaches relaxation.
Pavanamuktasana (single leg): Compresses the colon and improves the digestive system. Strengthens the arms, abdomen and thighs.
Bhujangasana: Strengthens the lumbar spine, relieving pain and combating slipped discs, herniated discs, scoliosis and arthritis.
Salabhasana (single leg): Strengthens the upper spine and helps varicose veins in the legs.
Poorna-Salabhasana: Strengthens the middle spine, opens the ribcage and firms the abdomen, thighs and arms
Dhanurasana: Utilizes and strengthens the entire spine, improving blood circulation to the region. Aids digestive problems.
Supta-Vajrasana: Increases circulation and mobility to the knees, hips and ankles. Helps prevent hernias.
Ardha-Kurmasana: Good for tense necks and shoulders. Increases blood flow to the brain, enhancing memory and mental clarity.
Ustrasana: Maximum compression of the spine. Improves flexibility and relieves back-aches.
Sasangasana: Maximum extension of the spine. Increases mobility of the back muscles. Improves insomnia and depression.
Janushirasana with Paschimottanasana: Excellent for the immune and lymphatic systems. Improves digestion.
Ardha-Matsyendrasana: Improves circulation to spinal nerves. Relieves lower back pain and helps avoid slipped discs.
Kapalbhati in Vajrasana: Improves digestion and circulation. Strengthens the abdominal muscles.
Ardha-Chandrasana with Padha Hastasana: Stretches the spine in four directions. Firms the waistline, hips, abdomen, buttocks and thighs.